Painting With Light

Carol Aronson-Shore (formerly Carol Lena Rubin), is a New England and South Florida based artist whose landscape paintings, commissioned portraits, still life and figurative paintings are included in national and international art collections. Her award-winning oil paintings and drawings have been shown in more than 100 art exhibitions throughout the United States. She was the New England based artist selected to represent New Hampshire for the White House Bicentennial Celebration. The narrative painting she created, “The Green Room:  A Setting for History—Our National Day of Thanks” is in the permanent collection of the White House Historical Association and is frequently exhibited in Washington, DC. She is a New Hampshire Lifetime Fellow in the Arts and a Professor Emeritus of the Arts at the University of New Hampshire.

Carol has painted in various tropical locations for over 20 years. She now maintains a studio in South Florida which has inspired her vibrant color still lifes and abstract monotypes.

Shown above and further below are landscape paintings in oil depicting the changing seasons in New England. They were featured in the 2015 art exhibition: “The Color of Light: Seasons in Portsmouth.”  (See Exhibits for more information)

B&W photo of Carol Aronson-Shore (formerly Carol Lena Rubin) with hands over back of chair

New Works / News

Cold Wax Academy – “2024 International Juried Exhibition”

One of the three pieces from the Pentimenti Series (“Pentimenti Blue”) was selected for the 2024 International Juried Exhibition at Cold Wax Academy.

“Texture e colori che evocano il tempo che passa e la permanenza della memoria” — Giuseppe Zollo
“Texture and color that evoke times past and the permanence of memory.” 

Pentimenti Red - Oil and cold wax on wood

Pentimenti Red

Pentimenti Gold - Oil and cold wax on wood

Pentimenti Gold

Pentimenti Blue - Oil and cold wax on wood

Pentimenti Blue

Cold Wax Workshop

Inspired by the Wellfleet Estuary Marsh

View the full series in the Fresco & Cold Wax gallery.

Wetland Marsh - Oil and cold wax on board

Wetland Marsh

Grassland Marsh - Oil and cold wax on board

Grassland Marsh

Marsh Dunes - Oil and cold wax on board

Marsh Dunes

Key West Rooster Series

Something different and festive for the holiday season! These colorful oil on canvas paintings are a 6-part series finished in 2022. One of the paintings, “Pecking Order” is on exhibit at the Jag Gallery in Key West. See details about their show, “Small Works 2022” which you can visit in person or online.

set of 6 colorful rooster paintings - Key West Rooster Series

To view the images in detail, see them in the Tropics Gallery.

Four Seasons at Strawbery Banke

Spring Flowers at Strawbery Banke
Fall Flowers at Strawbery Banke
Summer Flowers at Strawbery Banke
Winter Flowers at Strawbery Banke

Private Commission through the Davallia Gallery

Artist’s Statement

Color shapes my work. I begin by seeing color relationships. I have a strong need to make my experience of color visible to others in a painting. In the process I find conversations between colors. A red speaks to a certain kind of blue and a third color emerges. A yellow changes from warm to cool and creates a feeling of light shifting and moving.

Sometimes I think that these experiences of color are the real subject of my representations. The way a color shapes light and space, the warmth of a color in light, the cooling of a color in shadow, how dramatic and ultimately expressive a color can become in recreating a memory. This is where I find inspiration and motivation to create.

Recent Exhibits / Shows

International Juried Exhibition



Cold Wax Academy
Online Exhibit

Visit Online: Cold Wax Academy

Pentimenti Blue - Oil and cold wax on wood

“Pentimenti Blue”

Pecking Order - Key West Rooster Series

“Pecking Order”

Small Works 2022:
Juried Show

Dec. 10, 2022 – Jan. 09, 2023


Jag Gallery
1075 Duval St, Space C23
Key West, FL  33040

Visit Online:

View the Paintings

Although best known for her oil paintings of New England, including Portsmouth and Monhegan Island, Carol’s works include Still Lifes, Frescoes, and Figurative Works as well. Meander through the various galleries to get a glimpse of her many works.

landscape painting - Summer Geometry at Strawbery Banke


The historic houses of Portsmouth, NH and the fishing village of Monhegan Island, ME have provided me with a visual opportunity to explore the way color shapes pictorial light and space. Both are places where history is alive. These galleries show seasonal views of Portsmouth, NH, Monhegan Island, Maine, New England scenes, Italia and the Tropics.

figurative painting - Couple Near the Falls

Figurative Paintings

Narrative oil and pastel paintings use the human form in both natural and interior settings. As a former dancer, the artist choreographs movement and gesture as a means of expression.

still life painting - Poppies, Tulips & Lemons

Still Lifes

These paintings include arrangements of foods and flowers in both traditional table settings and contemporary color designs. Recent paintings in the series called “Complementary Palate” explore color contrasts and the comparison between palate and palette: taste and color.

new england landscape paintings - spring & winter

Get in Touch

Whether you’re interested in purchasing a painting or commissioning one, wondering where you can see some of these paintings in the coastal New Hampshire region or just have a question, please contact me and I’ll do my best to respond quickly.